Oceans of Energy is a pioneer in offshore solar. Its mission is to bring clean and abundant renewable energy, in harmony with nature, to people living along the coast worldwide. The company deployed the world’s first offshore solar farm engineered to withstand the high waves of the North Sea in 2019. After being awarded the first offshore solar farm at a wind farm site, Oceans of Energy is now aiming to develop an industry standard for 1 km2 scale offshore solar farms.
Lightweight, robust, flexible, sustainable – these are the fundamental characteristics of the bamboo-plant-inspired design philosophy of the technology built to withstand the offshore environment.
Placing solar farms within offshore wind farms
makes better use of the sea space
increases energy output
provides more continuous power
and will drive down costs

This innovative approach not only boosts energy production but also uses maritime space efficiently and sustainably, leaving more sea space untouched for nature, recreation, fishing or other blue economy activities.
In addition, the passive system bolsters opportunities to act as a nature enhancing reef and marine as a protected environment.